The State of Real Estate in Macon County - 3rd Quarter 2020 Update
Posted by Ryan Campbell on
With a global health crisis continuing to loom over our daily lives, all of us have changed , not only how we spend our time, but where we spend our time. As we’ve navigated through 2020, the old expression “to put your house in order” has taken on a new meaning with many families making big changes and big moves. What has this created? A robust local real estate market with many clues that the modest pace will continue through the rest of the year.
Let’s take a look at how the stats are stacking up compared to the previous year. With 448 sales in the 3rd quarter 2020 vs. 402 sales in the 3rd quarter of 2019, the encouraging results are a 11.44% increase in units sold and 17.89% increase in Dollar Volume as compared to the same period in 2019 with…
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